Favorite Writing Tips: #6 – One key ingredient for writing magic is…

I love writing with background sounds. In fact, a common element with all of my books — aside from the obvious characters and settings — is that I have done the vast majority of my writing with ambient audio playing either via YouTube or some other sound effects site.

I’ll admit, I’m a total homebody, and while I do occasionally write in a library or a coffee shop, my favorite place to write is either at my own kitchen table, or curled up in my recliner.

Either way, though, I’m going to be writing with background sounds in the form of either something like open windows so I can hear the nature sounds and wind chimes outside, or my more recent go-to, YouTube videos that couple gorgeous visuals with perfect soundscapes.

I’ve put together a playlist of 10 of my favorites for your listening pleasure. Listen below, or visit the playlist on YouTube and bookmark it so you can listen again and again.

The playlist includes the following ambient audio for writing with background sounds or music:

  • Rain & Thunderstorm Sounds | Crackling Fireplace (3 Hours)
  • Library Sounds | Study Ambiance (2 Hours)
  • Waterfall Sounds | Garden Pond, Bird Life (2 Hours)
  • River Campfire | Nature Sounds (2 Hours)
  • Swamp Sounds at Night – Frogs, Crickets, Light Rain, Forest Nature Sounds (3 Hours)
  • Forest Creek Sounds (3 Hours)
  • Thunderstorm Sounds by the Lake House (4 Hours)
  • Crackling Fireplace with Thunder, Rain, and Howling Wind Sounds (3.5 Hours)
  • Cozy Fall Coffee Shop Ambience: Relaxing Jazz Music & Rain Sounds for Studying, Relaxation, & Sleep (8 Hours)
  • The Spanish Guitar in the Renaissance and Baroque, Moreno (1 Hour 15 Minutes)

Check out more of my Favorite Writing Tips here.